Feeding time Try bottle feeding with your back up against something solid (like the sofa or bed!) and knees bent at 45 °. Place your little one on your lap so they’re facing you and their feet are at your tummy. They’ll enjoy watching your face and you can also have a friendly chat as they feed. Story time It’s never too early to begin reading to your baby. Many parents find that story time is a nice way to wind down before bed, sneak in an extra cuddle, and let your little one enjoy the sound of their voice. Although it’s early days, it also gives your baby a head start with language skills! Soothing time Massage is a lovely way to get some extra skinonskin time with your little one. It also improves circulation and soothes your baby. Try giving your baby a massage when they are awake but settled or as a way to wind down at the end of the day.
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