Lung cancer screening
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Successful  lung
cancer screening
starts here

Lung cancer is a leading cause of cancer death


Low-dose CT screening for lung cancer has shown to detect lung cancer at earlier stages, when its most curable, as well as reduce mortality by 20 percent compared to standard chest x-ray.*


But developing a lung cancer screening program presents new challenges for radiology, and a comprehensive solution is critical to a program’s success.


Philips offers the full range tools and resources you need to make your program a success.


Learn how our CT solutions can help your organization.


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LCS Scan Lifestyle

Strong support at every step


From education and scanning to advanced visualization and patient management, Philips offers the full range of tools you need to help you create an effective, reimbursement-compliant lung cancer screening program.

CT scanning solutions


Philips offers a full portfolio of 27 systems compliant with CMS and ACR guidelines for the excellent image quality at low dose that lung cancer screening demands.

CT LCS Web Graphic2
CT LCS Web Graphic2

CT scanning solutions


Philips offers a full portfolio of 27 systems compliant with CMS and ACR guidelines for the excellent image quality at low dose that lung cancer screening demands.

MR Ingenia1

Visualization and analysis


Philips IntelliSpace Portal (ISP) provides the advanced visualization and analysis tools you need to help achieve confident diagnoses quickly, efficiently, and collaboratively including clinical decision support and predictive modeling tools to help direct treatment, LungRADS standardized reporting, and review and analysis accessible across the enterprise.

Monitor disease progression


In addition to providing you tools for screening, Philips Tumor Tracking technology helps you monitor changes in disease status and progression, as well as assess therapy response.

Lung Cancer Screening Solutions

CT scanners 1

CT Scanners


Portfolio of CT solutions

Image Quality 1

Image Quality & Dose Management


Leading imaging and dose management software


Lung Nodule Assessment


Enterprise-wide advanced visualization and analysis

PET CT Scanner

PET/CT Scanners


Portfolio of PET/CT solutions

*The National Lung Screening Trial research team. Reduced lung cancer mortality with low dose computed tomographic screening. N Engl J Med, 2011; 365:395-409.

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